
Showing posts from March, 2015

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

If I Stay by Gayle Forman My rating: 4 of 5 stars Yet again another book I just ate up. It affected me differently then I thought it would. Yes it is sad and tugged at my emotions but I never cried. Normally I would and it's not the book that made me not cry it's honestly my head at the momment. I'm just so tired, never slept well at all so I'm going to guess that played a major role in my lack of tears. I love that Mia plays cello, I absolutely adore cello music. I find it beautiful and haunting, it is the perfect instrument for this story. I have placed Where She Went on hold at ghe library, currently sitting in 13th spot for the ebook. View all my reviews

Sold by Patricia McCormick

Sold by Patricia McCormick My rating: 4 of 5 stars I haven't devoured a book this quickly in a while, school played a bit of a factor in that though. It is disgusting to know that the subject matter of this book really goes on in the world, that there are young girls, children who are being sold like they are objects. Not only are they bought like a piece a meat they are sold to go into the sex industry. My stomach turned over so many times while reading this book, I was angry, sad and tried to feel hope for these girls. The writing style was great, which helped in reading the story quickly. Keeping your attention at the whole time. My only complaint is the ending, just wish there was a little bit more to it. That's all a few more pages of story. That's the only reason I'm not giving it a full 5 stars. View all my reviews

The Dead End by Mimi McCoy

The Dead End by Mimi McCoy My rating: 4 of 5 stars I found myself enjoying this book far more then I imagined I would. A creepy children's ghost story that actually kept me on my toe's. It has a great message at the end, about over coming obstacles and facing your fears which is wonderful and true for either sex or age. Aimed at middle grade children but any age can enjoy it. View all my reviews

Seriously...I'm Kidding by Ellen Degeneres

Seriously... I'm Kidding by Ellen DeGeneres My rating: 3 of 5 stars I decided to go with the audio book format thinking it worked well for my enjoyment of Bossypants . Nope.. I was disappointed. Yes there were times I would smile and laugh slightly. BUT and that's a big but; there were times I found myself growing tired. This book was just rambling basically. There was no purpose or point And sometimes that can work but this time it didn't pay off. The only real question I have is this, did I pick the right format? Would my enjoyment level have increased if I read it rather then listened? *shrug* Who knows. View all my reviews