Lucky Jack: Memoirs of a World War 1 POW by Susan Bavey #booktour #bookreview
Hello and Welcome back to the blog, or welcome if this is your first time stopping by. Today I bring you my stop for Lucky Jack: Memoirs of a World War 1 POW by Susan Bavey! Lucky Jack Publication Date: November 19th, Genre: WWI Biographies/ History “One of the perils of being a sniper during the First World War was the likelihood of a grenade going off right next to you and burying you alive”. Meet Jack Rogers. Born in 1894, he once locked eyes with Queen Victoria and was one of the first travellers on London’s ‘Tube’. An early car owner, he had many escapades on his days out to Brighton, including a time when his brakes failed and he had to drive through central London without them! His skills as an entertainer earned him popularity throughout his life, and kept him out of the deadly mines while a prisoner during the First World War. At the tender age of 103 Jack earned the title of ‘The World’s Oldest Columnist’ as he...