It's Self-Published Appreciation Week & I have bookmail
Hello and welcome back to the blog, or hello and welcome if this is your first time stopping by. It is Self-Published Authors Appreciation week. Selfpub/indie authors don't seem to get the same credit and love as bigger traditionally published authors. So this week we (so many amazing people on twitter check out out the hashags #SelfPubAppreciation & #IndiesAreAwesome for all the awesome content) are going to show them some love. All to often self published, indie and small press get over looked or even look down up on, which to me is funny as many of the books I have read in recent years have been non traditionally published books. And I have loved most if not all of them. Self published, independent, small press authors this week is for you!! * * * * Today I bring you some book mail, something I haven't done before on my blog. I wonder what it is 🤔😊 * * * * * I knew what it was, as I was expecting in to arrive. I was asked earlier if I would like to read...